User’s Responsibility Regarding Water & Sewer Lines
The newly elected Walnut Hill Utility Board is dedicated to providing helpful information to each and every user. As a result of several sewer issues that have developed over the last several weeks we feel it’s important to provide to each of you an explanation of responsibility.
All units within the Darlington Woods Condominium community are connected to the Walnut Hill Utility wastewater treatment facility which is a completely separate entity not owned by or operated by Darlington Woods (HOA). Although our facility resides on Darlington Woods property, Walnut Hill Utiility is owned by its users and run by a Board elected by the users. Walnut Hill Utility provides a service to the users who are connected to it.
There are two pipes running out from each unit (one for sewer and one for water supply). These are known as the laterals. The homeowner owns and is responsible for these laterals when a repair or clean out is required. The sewer lateral connects into what’s known as the main sewer line. Walnut Hill Utility owns and is responsible for the main sewer line when a repair or clean out is required. (Please see diagrams below of sewer and water laterals) If the laterals develop a blockage or leak, the homeowner is responsibility for the repair and not Walnut Hill Utility. Walnut Hill Utility is only responsible for issues that would develop in the main sewer line. If there were to develop a blockage or leak in the main line, multiple homeowners would be affected rather than a single homeowner.
Therefore, regarding toilet or sewer backups that is affecting a single homeowner, please call your local plumber or sewer drain service for assistance. Do not call Walnut Hill Utility’s management company. Walnut Hill Utility is not financially responsible for these issues.
The Board of Walnut Hill Utility hopes this explanation helps our users better understand their responsibility when it comes to these issues.
All units within the Darlington Woods Condominium community are connected to the Walnut Hill Utility wastewater treatment facility which is a completely separate entity not owned by or operated by Darlington Woods (HOA). Although our facility resides on Darlington Woods property, Walnut Hill Utiility is owned by its users and run by a Board elected by the users. Walnut Hill Utility provides a service to the users who are connected to it.
There are two pipes running out from each unit (one for sewer and one for water supply). These are known as the laterals. The homeowner owns and is responsible for these laterals when a repair or clean out is required. The sewer lateral connects into what’s known as the main sewer line. Walnut Hill Utility owns and is responsible for the main sewer line when a repair or clean out is required. (Please see diagrams below of sewer and water laterals) If the laterals develop a blockage or leak, the homeowner is responsibility for the repair and not Walnut Hill Utility. Walnut Hill Utility is only responsible for issues that would develop in the main sewer line. If there were to develop a blockage or leak in the main line, multiple homeowners would be affected rather than a single homeowner.
Therefore, regarding toilet or sewer backups that is affecting a single homeowner, please call your local plumber or sewer drain service for assistance. Do not call Walnut Hill Utility’s management company. Walnut Hill Utility is not financially responsible for these issues.
The Board of Walnut Hill Utility hopes this explanation helps our users better understand their responsibility when it comes to these issues.